Ghostbusters 3 has been stuck in developmental hell for what seems an eternity. However, the movie will start filming in just a few months, ...
Ghostbusters 3 has been stuck in developmental hell for what seems an eternity. However, the movie will start filming in just a few months, in early 2015. That’s according to Ivan Reitman who told Toronoto Life “The studio is in, and we have writers working on it as we speak. We’re hoping to film at the beginning of next year. Dan Aykroyd and I meet about once a month to talk about it.”
And when it comes to the involvement of Bill Murray, who publically has said he won’t be involved, Reitman says “He’s publicly said no, but Bill and I have done six movies together, and he never says yes until literally just before the shoot. Two TIFFs ago, we had a late dinner at Sotto Sotto, and we ate and talked until 4:30 in the morning. I told him, “I don’t care if you do Ghostbusters—I mean, I’d love it if you did—but why aren’t you doing leading parts for big studio films?” He said he didn’t want that responsibility. He wanted to be a character actor.”
That’s pretty encouraging, especially about Bill Murray, because if he’s not back on board, who you gonna call? Sorry.