Remember Manimal? That cheesy as hell, but epically awesome TV show from the 1600s, where a dude could change himself into any animal in the...
Remember Manimal? That cheesy as hell, but epically awesome TV show from the 1600s, where a dude could change himself into any animal in the world and take on the bad guys! You don’t? Well…fuck!
Besides our brief and badly written nostalgia trip to 80s television, Manimal is coming to the big screen and Will Ferrell and Adam McKay are reteaming for the big screen adaptation. Those of you hoping that Will Ferrell will transform into a tuna and eat a lion, and then bang that lion’s girlfriend (some of you clever folk will get that, the rest of you will think I’m insane) might be out of luck. Ferrell and McKay are only producing at this moment in time.