He certainly made a mark with his keyboard for The Dark Knight Trilogy and in my books, to a lesser extent with Man Of Steel but David S. Go...
He certainly made a mark with his keyboard for The Dark Knight Trilogy and in my books, to a lesser extent with Man Of Steel but David S. Goyer is set to write a treatment for The Fantastic Voyage. And while this is yet another reboot, the 1966 Sci-Fi classic will certainly be new for younger audiences, so it’ll be interesting to see what comes out of all this. The original movie involved the saving the life of a scientist, by shrinking a submarine and a small crew to a microscopic size and sticking them into his bloodstream. Hang on you say, didn’t Dennis Quaid also get miniaturized in Inner Space and go travelling inside a human body too? He did indeed. But that was so far ago, this reboot will feel like a brand new movie, especially considering the original came out weeks before the dinosaurs died out. Good one Hollywood!
The new version (how many bloody times a month do we write that) will be produced by James Cameron’s Lightstorm Entertainment along with Fox.