
Stephen King's The Stand Is Returning To Our Screens At Last!!

Back in 1978 Stephen King first published what would go on to become one of his most beloved stories; a complex and intricate tale about the...

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Back in 1978 Stephen King first published what would go on to become one of his most beloved stories; a complex and intricate tale about the end of the world, the survival of humanity, and an epic battle between good and evil. The Stand has been a fan favourite since it first hit shelves, and for a long time studio execs have been scratching their heads as to how to return it to our screens.

In 1994 it was given life as a 4 episode mini-series starring Gary Sinise, Rob Lowe, Molly Ringwald and Jamey Sheridan as the demonic Randall Flagg. Now, more than 20 years later, it's returning to our screens, set to be given fresh life on both TV and on the big screen.

Josh Boone, the man who directed The Fault In Our Stars, will step behind the camera to bring us an 8 part miniseries event before a full length feature film to wrap up the epic story. Great news for fans of the book, as the amount of characters and detail will surely require significant running time to do the book justice.

One rumour that's doing the round is that Matthew McConaughey is circling the project, possibly to play the villainous Flagg, a piece of casting that would mark this as one of the must-see shows for the next few years. With the resurgence in his career and some simply magnificent performances over the last few years, we can't think of a better piece of casting to start this project off on the right footing.

Stay tuned for more info on the show as we get it.

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The Movie Bit Testing: Stephen King's The Stand Is Returning To Our Screens At Last!!
Stephen King's The Stand Is Returning To Our Screens At Last!!
The Movie Bit Testing
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