We’ve all recited Samuel Gerard’s ‘out house’ speech at some stage in our lives. There’s no denying it. That wonderful, Oscar winning perfor...
We’ve all recited Samuel Gerard’s ‘out house’ speech at some stage in our lives. There’s no denying it. That wonderful, Oscar winning performance from Tommy lee Jones is just one of the many, many elements that came together to make 1993’s The Fugitive such a beloved modern classic. Now, it’s coming back to the big screen, with Deadline reporting that Warner Bros. have put a new version of The Fugitive into development. There’s no word on what this version of Doctor Richard Kimble’s (of course played by Harrison Ford in the 1993 movie) desperate quest to clear his tarnished name will actually entail. Will it be a reboot of the original 1960’s t.v. series? A sequel? Something new entirely?
A sequel isn’t thinking too far out of the box. Ford isn’t adverse to returning for a sequel decades after the original (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and Star Wars: The Force Awakens anyone?), but the idea of Kimble back on the run over two decades later is a bit too hard to swallow. Smart money would be on a reboot, but the original was pretty much the perfect action thriller, it would be a much better idea to leave it be.