
Another, Male Centric Ghostbusters Movie Goes Into Development

There was a big deal made when director Scott Feig announced that he was at the head of an all female Ghostbusters reboot, with Kristen Wiig...

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There was a big deal made when director Scott Feig announced that he was at the head of an all female Ghostbusters reboot, with Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones, and Kate McKinnon strapping on the proton packs. Now, some surprising news has come out of Sony, with Deadline reporting that a second, all male Ghostbusters movie has gone into development, with the aim being for it to see the light of day in 2017. Described as a "counterpart" to Feig's movie, Channing Tatum has signed on to produce and possibly star. What's more, Captain America: The Winter Soldier's The Russo Brothers are tentatively signed onto direct, working from a script Drew Pearce (Iron Man 3), based on an idea Tatum has been developing with Dan Ackroyd. That is a lot of big names attached to a movie we had no idea we'd ever see.

This news comes on the heels of the announcement of Ghostcorps, a new company set up by original Ghostbusters director Ivan Reitman and Ackroyd aimed at exploiting merchandising opportunities involving the franchise. This includes potential films and t.v. tie-ins, amongst other things. I don't know about you, but this feels like the beginning of an MCU style universe for everything Ghostbusters related, and while we don't know yet if this new movie will be a reboot like Feig's version or a continuation of the original movies, I think it's safe to assume that somewhere down the line we'll see the male and female teams bustin' ghosts side by side in one movie.

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The Movie Bit Testing: Another, Male Centric Ghostbusters Movie Goes Into Development
Another, Male Centric Ghostbusters Movie Goes Into Development
The Movie Bit Testing
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