Today will be a day long remembered. Not only did JJ Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy give us the new trailer for Star Wars The Force Awakens, but Han and Chewie came home too.
Star Wars has always been incredibly personal to me, like I'm sure it has been to you too. When I got the opportunity to see this in Movies@Dundrum, thanks to the folks at Disney, I wouldnt have missed it for the world.
Myself and Tom hit the road and got our seats in the VIP area for around 5:10pm GMT. The next 40 or so minutes seemed to take an eternity to pass by, and as great as it was seeing the cast on stage alongside JJ Abrams, and the incredible BB-8, I really wanted to see the new trailer. I knew it was coming, it had to arrive or things would have turned to Sith really quickly. And when it did, I felt something I haven't felt for a long time watching a movie. Chills, and lots of them. I even gave some attempt at saying "Fuck me" when that crashed and abandoned Star Destroyer on Jaku panned onto the screen. But I couldn't get the words out. Something, that hasn't happened in quite some time either may I add.
And the teaser just delivered and delivered frame by frame. From an incredible shot of the new X-Wings, to the Falcon flying through an even bigger, downed Star Destroyer, it was insane. It was relentless the amount of action that Abrams and company squeezed into this teaser. And speaking of Abrams, besides the fact that he's hammering practical effects brilliantly, he's given fans glimpses of things we could only dream of. I've touched on that before, and that's going to be one of the endearing factors of The Force Awakens, as we see familiar ships and faces in places that we never thought we'd see. Seriously, the last time an X-Wing fly over a lake, it fucking sank. But more importantly, and this only hit me today, JJ Abrams, has not only given Star Wars a new lease of life, but he's brought an incredible perscence and energy to the franchise, something that hasn't been seen in a very long time.
As much as I enjoyed the prequels, they were lacking something that I could never have put my finger on until today. And that was a subtle energy of sorts and Abrams has piled this on with a fucking cement mixer here. And it's only seeing this today, that awoke that thought in my lil ol brain. Not only does Star Wars The Force Awakens look incredible, it feels old school. Real old school. And that's no mean feat. Abrams may well have his hands wrapped around the greatest Star Wars movie of all time.
Whatever December holds, today brought back all the childhood excitement, awe and wonder. And not only did Chewie and Han come home, but I came home too. I CANNOT WAIT!!!!