It was late last week that it was confirmed that the steel skinned Colossus from the X-Men movies would be rubbing shoulders with Ryan Reyn...
It was late last week that it was confirmed that the steel skinned Colossus from the X-Men movies would be rubbing shoulders with Ryan Reynolds when the actor finally takes the lead in a long over due Deadpool movie, and at the time it was unclear if Daniel Cudmore, who has played Colossus in X-Men 2, X-Men: The Last Stand, and X-Men: Days of Future Past. Now, I thought it would be a given that Cudmore would be reprising the role, mainly down to him being brought back for Days of Future Past, but it turns out, with the actor himself confirming on Twitter, that he will not be returning, and the role is going to be recast.
This raises a few questions, one being, since it is an X-Men spin-off after all, will Deadpool be following the new timeline created in Days of Future Past, and bringing in a younger version of the character, just like what is happening in X-Men: Apocalypse with Storm, Cyclops, Jean Grey, and Nightcrawler? Or is Colossus's role in Deadpool warrant a bigger name stepping into the Russian mutants shoes? With it's release less than a year away, Deadpool should be heading into production in the coming weeks, and hopefully all our questions will be answered soon.
Deadpool hits cinemas 12th February 2016.