Obviously Liam Neeson doesn't watch his own movies, and considering he pulled in a cool 20 mill for the latest Taken movie (which is, to...
Neeson now says he's up for adding another few digits to his bank account and would return for a fourth Taken movie. Speaking to Fox News he said "There’s always...I think if audiences go and see it and they like these characters, I mean, I'd love to do something with Forest again, and if it's in a TAKEN 4 scenario, great."
With a $40 million opening in the States, Taken 3 shows the audiences have the memory of goldfish, and long gone is the foul taste of Taken 2 as cinema going folk trudge into another pile of shit and part with their hard earned cash. And history will no doubt repeat itself in 2 years time when Taken 4 will no doubt crash into cinemas.
The studio couldn't give a fuck about critique and quality. Obviously (and understandingly) dollar is king and the Taken franchise seems like a licence to print money. And can you really blame Neeson for taking the money? At this stage in his career it's unlikely Steven Spielberg will be calling him up, and Neeson is now the poor man's Bruce Willis, arguably without the bullshit.