2008's Rambo was a pretty definite send-off to one man war machine John Rambo, so a fifth installment in the franchise seems a bit redun...
2008's Rambo was a pretty definite send-off to one man war machine John Rambo, so a fifth installment in the franchise seems a bit redundant. But Rambo 5 does seem to on its way, with Splendid Films sending out a press release in June, stating "With Rambo V, Sylvester Stallone returns in his iconic role. This time he goes up against a Mexican cartel. Stallone describes the new Rambo as his No Country for Old Men", as well as dropping that he would be writing and directing as well. Rumours abound that production will be kicking off next month, and Coming Soon are reporting that they have what the title of the latest installment with Rambo: Last Blood (also the name of an online flash game). Bit too on the nose, isn't it?
Do we really need a fifth Rambo movie? Okay, I asked myself a very similar question when Rambo was released, and the answer proved to be a resounding yes. But that movie ended perfectly, capping off the saga of John Rambo, that started with First Blood, and any continuation of it seems like over kill and a shameless cash in. But we know very little about Rambo 5 at the moment, and if all the rumours turn out to be true, we should know a lot more very soon.