During the Climate Summit in New York City, James Cameron spoke to NBC News about a show he’s exec producing “Years Of Living Dangerously”, ...
During the Climate Summit in New York City, James Cameron spoke to NBC News about a show he’s exec producing “Years Of Living Dangerously”, and while it’s not a movie about the director and his passion of hanging out of helicopters with a camera (a cameraman didn’t want to do it on the set of True Lies, so Cameron grabbed the camera and went up instead) or diving to the deepest part of the ocean, it involves a bunch of celebs (inc Harrison Ford and Matt Damon) doing some investigative journalism into climate change.
The director did speak about the Avatar sequels saying “First of all, you don’t want to deal with political issues in entertainment films. The Avatar films — and oceans will be an ongoing theme in all of the sequels, not just "Avatar 2"— are meant to create a sense of wonder and connection to the natural word.I hope that when people watch them they can say, “I want to be part of that world, the world that is real," and hopefully that translates into them camping in a redwood forest or snorkelling on a coral reef. You can’t feel that you are ready to make a sacrifice in your lifestyle to protect something unless you respect and love it.