2012's Sinister was one of the most effective horrors in recent years, and considering it went on to be quite the sleeper hit, a sequel ...
2012's Sinister was one of the most effective horrors in recent years, and considering it went on to be quite the sleeper hit, a sequel was always in the offing. Original director Scott Derrickson is out this time round, though he is still writing the script with original scribe C. Robert Cargill. This leaves Irish director Ciaran Foy, who made an impressive feature debut with thriller Citadel, to take the helm, with the spooky goings on focusing on a young mother (Shannyn Sossamon) and her twin sons who move into a rural house marked for death.
With a full trailer coming our way on April 9th, the first footage from the sequel has made it's way online, after making it's debut at Wondercon, and it looks like the sequel will be in good hands.
Sinister 2 is set for release 21st August.