Mark it, Dude! An evening with a Big Lebowski twist is coming to Cork in July. Feis Lebowski rocks up to the Beggarman Bar on Gilabbey S...
Mark it, Dude!
An evening with a Big Lebowski twist is coming to Cork in July.
Feis Lebowski rocks up to the Beggarman Bar on Gilabbey Street near UCC and St Fin Barre's Cathedral, in their upstairs cinema.
Feis Lebowski is the brainchild of Ruairi O'Hagan, a Big Lebowski fan from Cork. "I've loved the movie for as long as I can remember, and I'd always look enviously at Lebowski Fest that takes place in the States every year", says Ruairi."When I saw that the Beggarman on Gilabbey Street had installed a 35 seat cinema upstairs in the bar a light bulb went off in my head and I thought - why not do it in Cork?"
Why not indeed. Released in 1998 to mixed reviews and bombing at the box office, The Coen Brothers' comedy has since gone on to become a cult classic, even spawning its own religion, Dudeism.
So what can we expect on the night?
"We'll be screening the movie twice on the night - there's screenings at 8.30 and 10.30. There's nothing better than watching the Big Lebowski with a crowd. Scott Duggan who runs the Beggarman has been a great help and I'd like to thank him for getting right behind Feis Lebowski.
"We'll also have a Nintendo Wii Bowling competition where you can scream "OVER THE LINE!!" and insist on people marking it zero to your heart's content. The inaugural Feis Lebowski bowling trophy is up for grabs on the night.
"There's a fancy dress competition with prizes for the best Lebowski themed costume - the more creative the better! We'll also have a DJ playing music from the movie, there'll be food, and obviously no night out in Ireland would be complete without the obligatory raffle so we have some great Lebowski themed prizes to give away.
"And of course, The Beggarman will be serving White Russians on the night, so come down and grab yourself the Dude's favourite drink!"
And most importantly, the night is all for a good cause.
"Every cent raised on the night will be going to the Alisha Savage Fund. Alisha is a three year old girl from Cork who was born with AT/RT, an incredibly rare form of brain cancer that affects just 1 in 1,000,000 children born. She's currently in Boston receiving treatment at the Dana Farber Centre, the world's best facility when it comes to dealing with AT/RT. All proceeds on the night will be going directly to Alisha's family".
Tickets for the event are just €10 and are available from
Saturday July 26th, The Beggarman, Gilabbey Street. Mark it, Dude!
@FeisLebowski on Twitter