With Tom Holland announced as the new Spider-Man in the character’s 2017 debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Sony and Marvel Studio’s at...
With Tom Holland announced as the new Spider-Man in the character’s 2017 debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Sony and Marvel Studio’s attention now turns to the wall crawler's supporting cast, namely Aunt May. Marisa Tomei is both studios sights, and, according to Variety, an offer was made to the actress last week, but she has yet to officially sign on. What’s more, it’s reported that both Marvel and Sony wish to round out the cast, in order to craft a solid shooting schedule, before officially hiring a writer.
While we knew the new Spider-Man would be skewing younger (for the first time on the big screen, Peter Parker will be a teenager, and will stay in high school for more than one movie), it seems they’re going younger with Aunt May, with Tomei, at fifty, being the youngest actress to play the character (Spider-Man’s Rosemary Harris was seventy seven, and The Amazing Spider-Man’s Sally Field was sixty six). While the actress is only a choice at this stage, and by no means a shoe in for the role, it definitely gives us an indication of the direction both studios are going with the character.
Directed by Cop Car’s Jon Watt’s, Spider-Man comes our way July 28th 2017.