This is a huge coup for director Paul Feig's Ghostbusters reboot...Dan Aykroyd tweeted last night that he was on set shooting scenes wit...
Aykroyd posted the following on social media, before quickly taking it down;
"On set of Ghostbusters shooting my scene with the funny and beautiful Kristen Wiig. Lady GB's are adorable, beautiful..."
However, before we let ourselves get too carried away, it's been revealed that he will not be playing a fellow Ghostbuster, as the new movie won't have any narrative ties to the original. Instead, Aykroyd will be playing a cabdriver and will get to utter a very famous line from the Ghostbustsrs theme song in what will just be a cameo role.
While we'd love to see him don the proton pack and kick supernatural ass once more, it was never very likely to happen. What it does mean though is that the door is open for maybe Bill Murray, Ernie Hudson, Sigourney Weaver or Rick Moranis to make a cameo appearance too, something fans of the original would genuinely love to see.