If you watched the latest Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer that came our way over the weekend, you may have scratched your head s...
If you watched the latest Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer that came our way over the weekend, you may have scratched your head slightly at the sight of Batman in the desert, wearing a very different Batsuit, complete with trench coat and goggles, moments before he was taken down by a group of soldiers with Superman’s symbol on their uniforms. It was a bit odd to say the least. Anyway, photographer Clay Enos has revealed a close up image of Ben Affleck in the suit (personally, I thought it would be someone else under the cowl, ala The Dark Knight, or even the Batmen of Many Nations from the comics, his legend inspiring normal people to take the mantle), which comic fans will not is very similar to his look in Gotham by Gaslight, the first entry in DC Comics’ Elseworlds series, which imagined alternate version of their famous heroes.
If I can speculate for a moment, this could very well be part of a dream sequence or vision in the movie that imagines a future where Superman takes over. Explains the soldiers, and the almost post apocalyptic look the scene had. It might even be what spurs Wonder Woman into battle, her home, Themiscyra, being rife with visions and prophecies. Again, this is just a geek voicing an idea, we’ll have to wait till the nature of the scene is confirmed officially.