With Stephen Frears (The Queen, Philomela) at the helm, sporting thriller The Program sheds lights on Lance Armstrong's (Ben Foster) fal...
With Stephen Frears (The Queen, Philomela) at the helm, sporting thriller The Program sheds lights on Lance Armstrong's (Ben Foster) fall from grace as a sporting icon, as one journalist’s (Chris O’Dowd) tireless pursuit for the truth uncovers Armstrong's involvement in the biggest doping program within professional cycling.
Foster is certainly throwing himself 100% into the role of Armstrong, and his ability to switch from smiling hero beloved by all to something a lot more cold and calculating is uncanny (that lost shot of him made my skin crawl). The cast around him is also on top form, with O’Dowd promising to step up up to Foster in the acting stakes.
Studio Canal is rolling out the program later this year with release dates set for France (September 23rd), Germany (October 8th), and Australia and New Zealand (October 19th). There are no dates for Ireland, the U.K., and the U.S. as of yet.