The lads are back for another round of movie banter, and this week they’re quite enamoured with a certain movie about a certain dinosaur the...
The lads are back for another round of movie banter, and this week they’re quite enamoured with a certain movie about a certain dinosaur theme park. They do manga to talk about other things, including saying good by to the legend that is Christopher Lee. All this, and
Tom’s Trivia Three – Tom pulls trivia about Big Trouble in Little China, The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, and Men in Black from the trivia fryer.
Reviews – Let Us Prey and Jurassic World
A critically acclaimed screen actor quotes lines from movies he hasn’t starred in – This week, our acclaimed actor takes on Jurassic Park.
News – Jurassic World makes all the money, we say farewell to Christopher Lee, and Pixar’s The Good Dinosaur could be in a lot of trouble.
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