Hinting at 21 Jump Street levels of meta comedy, the first, very NSFW trailer for National Lampoon’s Vacation reboot/sequel, titled simply ...
Hinting at 21 Jump Street levels of meta comedy, the first, very NSFW trailer for National Lampoon’s Vacation reboot/sequel, titled simply Vacation, has come our way, showing us what’s in store for a new generation of Griswolds, led by a grown-up Rusty (Ed Helms), as they hit the road on the way to that number one holiday destination, Wally World.
You have to admit, no matter how much you love the original and it’s sequels, this is a lot of promise here. Helms is perfect as the unrelentingly good natured patriarch, and some of the scrapes the Griswold’s get into are pretty darn funny, including a nice subversion of a staple from the old movies. Also, fair play to Chris Hemsworth for wonderfully playing his Sexiest Man Alive title for laughs.
Released: 29th July (U.S.)/ 13th November (IRL/U.K.)