It seems that every time I fire up the laptop lately there's another aspect to Warner Bros tentpole comic book movie leaked online. With...
Now, thanks to an image fired up on Instagram last night, we have a proper look at some of the tech we'll be seeing Bats make use of to maybe draw some blood from big blue.
The Batwing has featured in the movies before, but this look is certainly a departure from what we're used to, and I gotta say I like it. It looks futuristic, it looks efficient and it looks dangerous. Exactly the kind of thing a billionaire crime fighter might have stored away for a showdown with an aerial threat. It also fits in nicely with that hulking brute of a batmobile Snyder showed us a while back.
With this seemingly unending stream of pics, footage and leaks from the Warner Bros camp, the studio must be less than impressed. The movie is still a full year away, though principle production has finished on the project. Normally we'd chalk this sort of thing up to viral marketing but it's way too early to be generating a buzz around a blockbuster of this magnitude for the simple reason that it cant be sustained. At some point people will just get indifferent to the film if too much is shown too early.
While I like the look of most of what we've seen so far, hopefully they'll get a handle on the amount of content that the public are getting their hands on. Lets keep some of the excitement for this time next year, when we're counting down the days to release.