$175,000 – The fee George Lucas requested to write and direct A New Hope, in addition to 40% of the merchandising rights, unheard of at the...
$175,000 – The fee George Lucas requested to write and direct A New Hope, in addition to 40% of the merchandising rights, unheard of at the time.
42,000,000 – The number of action figures sold in the first year of Star Wars being released.
40 – The number of U.S. screens showing Star Wars on its opening weekend May 25th
12 – The number of minutes Darth Vader is on screen in the film.
3 – The number of Star Wars movies in which C3PO loses a body part.
6 – The number of Star Wars movies containing the line “I have a bad feeling about this.”
360 – Visual effects shots in Star Wars IV: A New Hope
2,151 – Visual effects shots in Star Wars III: Revenge of The Sith.
$520,000 – The price acquired at auction in 2010 for the Panavision Camera that filmed
A New Hope making it the most valuable piece of Star Wars memorabilia.
$13,000,000 – Production budget on Star Wars IV: A New Hope
$113,000,000 – Production budget on Star Wars III: Revenge of The Sith
1 – The number of takes Mark Hammill and Carrie Fisher did when they swung to safety in A New Hope.
$4.53 billion– The total worldwide box office of the Star Wars franchise to date including
Clone Wars.
$852,000,000,000,000,000 (quadrillion) – The cost to build a real Death Star as
estimated by students at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania. 140km in diameter and
made of steel, they calculated that at today’s rate of steel production, it would take
833,315 years to create enough steel to start building.
$150,000 – The cost to re-design the already constructed sets to accommodate Liam Neeson’s 6ft 4” frame in The Phantom Menace.
1 month – The length of time it took to shoot the Jabba Palace sequence in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of The Jedi.
115 – The highest number of onscreen deaths featured in Star Wars Episode III Revenge
of The Sith, not counting the deaths of the population of planet Alderaan which was
destroyed in Episode IV A New Hope. The lowest body count is 30 in The Empire Strikes Back.
3 – The number of lines spoken by Darth Maul (Ray Park) in Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace. Benicio Del Toro was once mooted for the part but apparently dropped out when Lucas removed most of the characters’ lines.
0 – Not a single clone trooper suit was ever made for Attack of The Clones. According to Animation Director Rob Coleman they were all CGI, with motion capture performed by ILM employees, wearing only the helmet and sometimes footwear of the suit. The rest is complete CG.
$108,435,841 – The highest opening domestic weekend gross of all the Star Wars films – Episode III Revenge of the Sith.
48,399,642 – Views of the official new trailer for Episode VII The Force Awakens on You Tube.