We’ve heard quite bit about Spider-Man in the weeks following the groundbreaking new that Sony and Marvel Studios would be sharing the chara...
What’s interesting to note is Drew Goodard (Cabin in the Woods), is no where to be found, despite having previously being rumoured to be in talks to direct after his Spidey villain spin-off, Sinister Six, was expected to be shelved by the Sony/Marvel partnership. Another glance at the list may points to why, with most of the name on the list being directors who have a flair of balancing the comedic with the dramatic, something essential when bringing Spidey’s complicated battle between his personal and masked lives to the big screen. This also ties into reports that the new Spider-Man movies arc will span a possible three or four movies, each one chronicling a year of high school (don’t know about you, but this sounds very much like Harry Potter), and the tone is to be very much that of a coming of age tale, with “John Hughes humour and emotion”. So, Pretty in Webs or Peter Parker’s Day Off is what I’m expecting.
With the July 28th 2017 release date for the new Spider-Man movie coming down the line pretty fast, expect this project to come together very soon.