A rumour floated our way last month that Tron 3 would be begin filming later this year. At the time, it was up in the air as to whether or ...
A rumour floated our way last month that Tron 3 would be begin filming later this year. At the time, it was up in the air as to whether or not the sequel would be going ahead, but now it appears we have our answer, with The Hollywood Reporter confirming that the movie is indeed going ahead, and that Olivia Wilde will reprise her role as Quarra, alongside Garrett Hedlund's Sam Flynn. The publication also reports that Tron: Legacy's Joseph Kosinski will be back at the helm, with the movie set to begin shooting in the Autumn.
There is no official word on the title (though rumours of Tron: Ascension has been doing the rounds for a while) or plot at this time, but I have a feeling we'll hear more over the coming weeks and months.