
Peter Parker Will Be The Version Of Spider-Man Coming To The Marvel Cinematic Universe

When the Internet broke in half when it was announced that Sony and Marvel Studio's would be sharing the character of Spider-Man, and a...

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When the Internet broke in half when it was announced that Sony and Marvel Studio's would be sharing the character of Spider-Man, and after fans got over the initial shock that what they wanted all along was coming to pass, talk turned to what version of the the wall-crawler would be joining the MCU. Would Peter Parker again be gracing the big screen, or would it be Mile Morales, Peter's replacement from the Ultimate Marvel universe (a modern re-imaginging that has already gone onto inspire elements of the MCU), who in the short time since his creation has become a huge fan favorite (so much so, that after this Summer's Secret Wars event will be joining the core universe as a member of The Avengers). It was heavily rumoured that Peter would be the focus of the new take on the character, and now, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has confirmed that, yes, Peter Parker will indeed be swinging into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Speaking to Collider, Feige confirmed Peter's involvement, as well as earlier rumours suggesting we will be seeing a teenage Spider-Man, saying, "In terms of the age of an actor we'll eventually to cast, I don't know. In terms of the age of what we believe Pater Parker is, I'd say 15-16 is right". He also went onto say this new take on the character would do something the other movie haven't: Keep Peter in high-school. "Some of my favorite Spider-Man arcs and Spider-Man stories, he's in high school for a lot of it. We want to explore that. That also makes him very, very different from any of our other characters in the MCU, which is something else we want to explore: how unique he is when now put against all these other characters." This will definitely differentiate this new Spider-Man from the rest of Marvel Studio's efforts, and should lead to a take on the character that hasn't been seen all that often. It also feels a lot like the Ultimate take on the character, which also returned him to high school, which could mean the door is open for Mile Morales to make an appearance in the future.

But, on the confirmation of Peter Parker coming to the MCU, fan boys took to their computers to voice their displeasure at yet another Spider-Man origin story, but to put those fears to rest, Feige, speaking to Crave Online, said this new movie will feature the hero as an already established part of the universe, saying, "There is a young kid already running around New York City in a homemade of the Spider-Man costume in the MCU. You just don't know it yet. In Spider-Man's very specific case, where there have been two retellings of that origin in the last whatever it's been - thirteen years- for us we are going to take it for granted that people know that, and the specifics." This makes a whole lot of sense. The next Spider-Man movie comes our way in 2017, so it would have been the second origin story in five years, and audiences are a whole lot smarter than that. Feige also went on to tease the new costume, saying, "We've already designed the costume, which is different than any of the ones that have come before. And yet ours is classic Spidey, as I think you'll see."

Spier-Man will make his MCU debut in Captain America: Civil War, set for release May 6th 2016, before getting his own solo movie, direct by Drew Goddard, on July 28th 2017.


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The Movie Bit Testing: Peter Parker Will Be The Version Of Spider-Man Coming To The Marvel Cinematic Universe
Peter Parker Will Be The Version Of Spider-Man Coming To The Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Movie Bit Testing
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