The Internet's gone a bit Batman v Superman crazy over the last few days, ever since the super serious, audience dividing first trailer ...
The Internet's gone a bit Batman v Superman crazy over the last few days, ever since the super serious, audience dividing first trailer debuted on Friday, and Zack Snyder's gotten in on the act, tweeting a picture of the new Batsuit Ben Affleck will be stepping into.
Thanks to everyone that turned out for the #MondayBvSSpecialIMAXEvent screenings tonight! #BatmanvSuperman
— ZackSnyder (@ZackSnyder) April 21, 2015
It's all a bit Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns (just like the rest of the movie then), but it's not the Batsuit we all want to see. No, what we want is the armoured version he dons for a spot of Kryptonian fighting. Hopefully that will come soon.
Released: March 26th 2016