Proving that Matthew Vaughn knows what it takes to make a R rated comic book adaption, Kingsman: The Secret Service exploded out of the trap...
Proving that Matthew Vaughn knows what it takes to make a R rated comic book adaption, Kingsman: The Secret Service exploded out of the traps earlier this year, with the super fun, over the top spy movie pastiche grossing over $400 million at the world wide box office. While we're still waiting for Mark Millar to write the comic book sequel (the original was published in 2012, and Millar has went onto pen MPH, Jupiter's Legacy, Starlight, and Chrononauts since then. All optioned to be made into movies, incidentally), The Wrap are reporting that the movies success has seen 20th Century Fox put their own sequel into development.
It's early days yet, but Vaughn has said in the past that any possible sequel would introduce the American branch of the super spy group, possibly introducing culture clash of sorts with the James Bond styled English Kingsman with Jason Bourne-like Americans. Vaughn has expressed an interest in returning for a sequel, as has Mark Strong, who played spy trainer Merlin. No word on the rest of the cast, but those who have seen the original will know the fate of one major character rules them out (I'm not going to say it here. You should really see this movie if you haven't already). Or does it? Vaughn has said he has some ideas to bring them back, and considering how ridiculous the original got (the exploding heads sequence, anyone?), it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to make it happen.