As both a fan of the original Poltergeist and director Gil Kenan's brilliant Monster House, I find myself excited for his remake of the ...
As both a fan of the original Poltergeist and director Gil Kenan's brilliant Monster House, I find myself excited for his remake of the classic horror movie to the point that I think my brain will actually melt. I understand that other people may need more convincing, so here's a new behind the scenes featurette which sees Kenan and producer/cinematic master Sam Raimi (The Evil Dead, Spider-Man) talk you through their new vision of the classic haunted house movie.
Released: 22nd May
Synopsis: Legendary filmmaker Sam Raimi (“Spiderman,” “Evil Dead”, “The Grudge”) and director Gil Kenan (“Monster House”) contemporize the classic tale about a family whose suburban home is haunted by evil forces. When the terrifying apparitions escalate their attacks and hold the youngest daughter captive, the family must come together to rescue her before she disappears forever.