While details have been very thin on the ground at the moment, Hugh Jackman will popping the claws once again in a third Wolverine movie, se...
While details have been very thin on the ground at the moment, Hugh Jackman will popping the claws once again in a third Wolverine movie, set to hit our screens March 3rd 2015. The Wolverine director James Mongold will be returning, and he has revealed on Twitter that the currently untitled installment in the X-Men franchise will begin filming "early next year".
Nothing is known about the movie at this stage, but Patrick Stewart has said that it could see his Professor X team with Jackman's fast healing mutant, a role the actor previously stated he had doubts about playing for much longer before back tracking and saying he wanted to play the character until he dies. No matter if his feeling on the role change again, I think we can all agree no one else can play the character at this stage.