We have our first proper look at Jake Gyllenhaal's latest leading role in Southpaw, a boxing drama that appears to have just as much dra...
Gyllenhaal has undergone another dramatic body transformation to play a down-on-his-luck fighter, bulking up considerably from his creepy turn in Nightcrawler.
While the trailer is keen to play up the emotional weight of the father / daughter relationship in the movie, it's also a little too spoilery for my taste and there are some genuine twists to the story exposed in it, so be warned before you check it out.
Southpaw is directed by Antoine Fuqua, and marks a significant departure from his usual action-pieces. On first glance Gyllenhaal, who was criminally overlooked at the Oscars last month, may have done enough in Southpaw to warrant consideration come awards season next year.