If you're old enough to remember Fraggle Rock, then you probably remember loving Fraggle Rock. From the genius mind of Jim Henson, they ...
Throw in an explorer and his wise old dog, and a singing pile of trash (yes, really!) and somehow you ended up with a classic kids show that still has a cult following today.
It's welcome news then to hear that Joe Gordon Levitt is teaming with Lisa Henson to bring the Fraggles back to our screens. If we're honest, given the success of The Muppets in recent years, it was only a matter of time before someone decided it was time to revisit Fraggle Rock.
Levitt's slate is pretty full at the minute, so don't expect this to fly into production, but at least we know we're in for a dose of 80's nostalgia in the not too distant future, and you can expect every thirtysomething to start humming and whistling the theme round the office when the trailer eventually hits
Altogether now; dance your cares away...