Last time we saw director Tarsem Singh, he was tackling fairy tales with Mirror, Mirror (which followed such visually stunning projects like...
Last time we saw director Tarsem Singh, he was tackling fairy tales with Mirror, Mirror (which followed such visually stunning projects like The Cell, The Fall, and Immortals). Now, he's handling body swapping in sci-fi thriller Self/Less, which sees an extremely wealthy man (Ben Kingsley), dying of cancer, undergo a radical procedure to transplant his consciousness into a younger body (Ryan Reylonds). But, of course, he finds out that a secret corporation peddling immortality isn't all it seems.
Self/Less is as high concept as they come, but this first trailer does a great job of selling the story, and hints at deeper psychological aspect to the plot that should shake thing up nicely. Singh's trademark visual style seems to be missing, but no doubt it'll make it self known when the movie takes an inevitable turn for the crazy.
Released: July 31st