It's Here!!! Yes, the trailer for Gil Kenan's reboot of Poltergeist has dropped, and as a huge fan of the original, I think this new version of Tobe Hooper's classic haunted house movie is in very good hands. There is a real sense of dread running through it's two minutes twenty six seconds, and, bar some dodgy CGI in places, the scares are pretty effective. I'm on the fence on Jared Harris being the Tagina substitute, but that's just down to Zelda Rubinstein completely owning the role, but he at least seems to be doing something different with it. Check out the trailer and wonderfully old school poster (it's all in the font) below.
Released: 24th July (U.S.)/ 31st July (IRL/U.K.)
Synopsis: Legendary filmmaker Sam Raimi (“Spiderman,” “Evil Dead”, “The Grudge”) and director Gil Kenan (“Monster House”) contemporize the classic tale about a family whose suburban home is haunted by evil forces. When the terrifying apparitions escalate their attacks and hold the youngest daughter captive, the family must come together to rescue her before she disappears forever.
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The Movie Bit Testing: Trailer And Poster For Poltergeist
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