The long awaited Deadpool movie is exactly one year from release, and to give fans a taste of what to expect (and to no doubt calm down the ...
The long awaited Deadpool movie is exactly one year from release, and to give fans a taste of what to expect (and to no doubt calm down the hard core fan boys looking to find fault with the project), Ryan Reynolds, the first and last choice really to play the Merc with a Mouth, has posted to
Twitter our first, teasing glimpse of the costume he will be sporting in the Tim Miller directed movie. As fans will tell you, the prototype mask and gloves are pretty close to how the character looks in the comic, though apparently the sepia tone applied to the photo is there because the mask is close to "ballerina pink" than the red it should be. Well, it is a prototype after all.
Even after his disastrous handling in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Deadpool is a character comic fans have been clamouring to given the proper treatment on the big screen. With Reynolds on board (his cheeky, motor mouthed persona is perfect for the character), and a lower budget than most comic book movies maybe giving rise to an R rating, this take on the character is certainly on the right track.