Shot in and around Cork City by a whole host of local talent, both in front of and behind the camera, sees classic monsters, from The Invisible Man to Frankenstein, travel to Dracula's castle for a massive Christmas celebration, but when two killers arrive on the door step, things spiral out of control. Judging from the trailer below, there is a fun, old school vibe oozing from the movie, which looks quite impressive despite being made on a low budget. And that fun vibe crosses over to the wonderfully designed poster, which captures the B-movie sensibilities of the project perfectly.
For those in Cork intrigued to see what El Diablo Productions have put together, Christmas at Draculas will be seeing the light of day (excuse the pun) for a special charity screening at UCC (where much of the film was shot) in aid of St. Vincent De Paul in March. More details when they make themselves known.
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The Movie Bit Testing: Poster And Trailer For Cork Shot Indie Horror Christmas At Draculas
Poster And Trailer For Cork Shot Indie Horror Christmas At Draculas
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