It has been up in the air for quite sometime, but now it's official: Harrison Ford will be slipping on Rick Deckard's trenchcoat yet...
It has been up in the air for quite sometime, but now it's official: Harrison Ford will be slipping on Rick Deckard's trenchcoat yet again for the long in development Blade Runner 2. On top of that announcement, Alcon Entertainment have also revealed Ridley Scott (he was originally signed on, but a full production slate forced him to drop out) will not be returning to direct the sequel, with Prisoners Denis Villeneuve taking his place. With Ford, a director, and a script from the original's co-writer Hampton Francher and Green Lantern's Michael Green (based on an idea by Scott and Francher), production has been set for a Summer 2016 start date.
The new movie will take place several decades after the events of the original, and while earlier comments from Scott have suggested Ford will only be playing a small role, it is great to see the actor back in one of his many iconic roles. The addition of Villeneuve is also incredibly intriguing. He has proven himself an exceptional talent, with a fantastic visual style, with Prisoners and last year's Enemy, and I really can't wait to see what he does with Blade Runner 2.