Dave Bautista is quickly becoming a hot property in Hollywood. Fresh off his success in Guardians of the Galaxy, he has roles in upcoming Bo...
Dave Bautista is quickly becoming a hot property in Hollywood. Fresh off his success in Guardians of the Galaxy, he has roles in upcoming Bond flick Spectre, as well as the reboot of Kickboxer.
Cornering the market in iconic villains, you can now add barbarian ass-kicker The Kurgan to the growing list of characters he'll be making his own. For those of you too young to remember (the original Highlander turns 30 next year!!), The Kurgan, originally played by Clancy Brown, was a vicious brute of an immortal who hunts Connor MacLeod - of the clan MacLeod - for the prize that comes with being the final immortal standing.
Still no word on who Bautista will be squaring off against, but this is one of the better casting decisions made by Hollywood, and makes the reboot all the more appealing in time for the 30th anniversary of this classic sc--fi actioner.