Happy New Year and all that jazz. But before you start sweating on the treadmill, our annual readers poll has concluded and we’re thrilled...
Happy New Year and all that jazz. But before you start sweating on the treadmill, our annual readers poll has concluded and we’re thrilled to announce that Guardians Of The Galaxy is our readers MOVIE OF THE YEAR 2014! Taking a whopping 13.58% of the total vote, Starlord and company demolished all contenders from the very get go with only The Wolf Of Wall Street managing to come anywhere even close. The full Top 5 looks like this
Gone Girl 4.14%
X-Men Days Of Future Past 4.94%
Captain America The Winter Soldier 6.17%
The Wolf Of Wall Street 8.64%
Guardians Of The Galaxy 13.58%
So thanks for voting in your thousands! We’ll do it all again in December. In the meantime we’re off to hit the treadmill…ahem! Normal service from The Movie Bit will slowly resume between now and next Monday! Happy New Year!