
First Official Look At The Fantastic Four

When it comes to most Summer blockbusters, especially comic book movies, up to nearly a year before we start to see information leaking from...

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When it comes to most Summer blockbusters, especially comic book movies, up to nearly a year before we start to see information leaking from the studio hype machine, getting people good and excited for when the movie finally hits the screens. That has not been the case for Josh Trank's The Fantastic Four reboot, with any official word, be it a poster or set photo, being curiously absent for a movie out in August. Now the gears seems to be moving, with Collider, in an interview with Trank, sharing with us the first official behind the scenes image, featuring a look at Michael B. Jordan (one fourth of the team alongside Miles Teller's Mr. Fantastic, Kate Mara's Invisible Woman, and Jamie Bell's The Thing) in costume as Johnny Storm/ The Human Torch. 

It's certainly a lot different from what we know from the comic, or even the previous two movies, and keeps in line with Trank's 'hard sci-fi' approach to the property, describing it as something that will, 'fall in line with a Croenberg-ian science fiction tale of something horrible happening to your body and it transforming out of control.' That's............a much different take than I think most people were expecting, and could have easily being done without the us of the Fantastic Four brand, but Trank made a good case a super hero director with Chronicle, so I'm interested to see where he takes this.

Trank also went on to explain that the lack of any images or trailers up until now was the result of a conscious decision to not release anything official (hitting back at rumours of the movie being in major trouble), because, 'we really want the audience to have the proper reaction to this material seeing it for the first time. You've really got to put your best foot forward. You can't just leak an image to strike up a conversation. You want people to see something that has thought behind it. And the teaser should do just that.' And speaking of the teaser, with it being attached to Kingsman: The Secret Service (out here on Friday), we should be getting our first taste of The Fantastic For very soon.

Released: August 7th


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The Movie Bit Testing: First Official Look At The Fantastic Four
First Official Look At The Fantastic Four
The Movie Bit Testing
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