With Birdman flying high (sorry), director Alejandro Gonzalez Iñárritu has turned his sights to his next project, true story The Revenant, w...
While Iñárritu presented Birdman as one continous take, he's trying a different approach this time round, but no less ambitious, with himself and cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki shooting the movie with only natural light. With only a few hours of daylight available in the location each day it will definitely be a hard shoot, and will see the production team stay shooting through April. Speaking of this approach, the director said, "It’s a very experimental thing that we’re doing here. I’m now addicted to doing things that can fail horribly or maybe that can give us a surprise. We are all into it." It's certainly different, but there is no denying that if any director can pull it it off, it's Iñárritu.
The Revenant is expected to hit screens by the end of the year.