Jameson is on the hunt for the globe’s most gifted, undiscovered filmmakers with compelling stories to tell. Simply write an original piece ...
Jameson is on the hunt for the globe’s most gifted, undiscovered filmmakers with compelling stories to tell. Simply write an original piece of work, with the final draft being no more than seven pages in length. The story should reveal, with lightness of touch, the epic that is to be found in everyday experiences. Closing date for entries is 1st February 2015. More information on the rules, including length and theme, can be found at http://www.jamesonfirstshot.
Last year’s short films starred Uma Thurman and one of the winners just sold his first full length script. It’s a great platform for budding screen writers and this year is the first time it has been open to Irish entrants. Check out two of last year’s winners.