Ever since Chris Pratt piloted the Milano, the similarities between him and a certain scruffy smuggler were blatantly obvious. And now, it...
Now that's a heavy rumour mill that is grinding, and as much as I hate reboots, Pratt would be ideal as the whip wielding, wise cracking archaeologist. Disney and Paramount struck a deal back in 2013, and said that a new Indy movie may hit big screens in two to three years while a writing team trashed out a good story. So, that time frame, while not exact, maybe on course for a late 2016 / early 2017 release.
Pratt's got the charisma, the look and the attitude. He'd be perfect. But do we really want an Indy reboot? Or should there be a passing of the torch moment, which arguably happened (or attempted to happen) in Crystal Skull.
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