Even though the movie wasn't that good and his part was very small, X-Men Origins: Wolverine proved that Ryan Reynolds was the perfect c...
Even though the movie wasn't that good and his part was very small, X-Men Origins: Wolverine proved that Ryan Reynolds was the perfect choice to play Marvel's fast talking, fourth wall breaking Deadpool, and even though the planned solo movie has been more stop than start over the last few years, Reynolds was the one constant in the troubled development. With the Tim Miller helmed movie finally getting the go ahead for a February 12th 2016 release, the actor has officially signed on (even though everyone just assumed he was signed on already), with production slated for a March start date. His comic book movie history hasn't been what you'd call the best, but Deadpool is really the character Reynolds was born to play, and I can't wait to see the Merc with the Mouth coming back to the big screen.