Besides the first teaser trailer for Star Wars Episode VII going online, lots of other things went down in the world of movies this week (b...
Besides the first teaser trailer for Star Wars Episode VII going online, lots of other things went down in the world of movies this week (but mainly Star Wars) and we’re rounding it all up in one spot, just in case you missed something due to over consumption of turkey for Thanksgiving.
New trailer for Shaun The Sheep has us bleating with laughter
We reacted to the Star Wars Episode VII teaser trailer
A bunch of hi-res images from The Force Awakens turned up
The most awaited teaser trailer in history hit the interwebs
Biblical epicness awaits in the a new TV spot for Exodus: Gods and Kings
The Minions are in the festive spirit
Get to know the Grey family in some new images from Fifty Shades of Grey
Warner Bros. Ireland awards it’s first scholarship to a national film school student
Matthew Vaughn delivers some quality secrecy in Kingsman: The Secret Service
Independence Day 2 will blow shit up again as it’s just been greenlit
Icon and legend Mel Brooks has joined Hotel Transylvania
The Avatar sequels will make you shit yourself, according to James Cameron
Check out a bunch of highlights from the Paddington Premiere (it’s just like being there)
First impressions are lasting, especially for Jurassic World as the first trailer launched
It’s looking pretty damn good is that first trailer for Pan
Check out the funniest thing on the internet this week, a mockumentary for Penguins of Madagascar
Wonder Woman has found it’s director
Check out the final trailer for a movie that North Korea is calling Evil
Win tickets to the Irish premiere of The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies
Oscar Isaac is taking up the lead villain role in X-Men: Apocalypse
Find out Sly Stallone’s big regret on The Expendables 3
Go behind the scenes on Quentin Tarantinos The Hateful Eight
And there you have it, all the big movie news in one handy spot.