Earlier today, Universal sneaked in the full trailer for Jurassic World, 2 days early. Why, who knows? Maybe it's because it might have ...
Earlier today, Universal sneaked in the full trailer for Jurassic World, 2 days early. Why, who knows? Maybe it's because it might have ruined thanksgiving. Ok, that's a bit harsh, but I'm completely underwhelmed by the trailer. Yes, yes, I know what your thinking "this asshole is shit canning a movie before he's seen it. Typical internet bastard". Which I understand.
But, seriously, what has it got going for it? They stole the bubble ship from Oblivion, broke it down and gave it a new paint job. Then Chris Pratt, channeling Han Solo with that waist coat, is racing a bunch of Raptors on a motorbike. Or, are the Raptors helping him out? For the love of God, the only interaction with humans the dinosaurs should have is consuming their innards. Granted, if Jurassic Park 3 thought us anything, it's that Raptors can be bargained with. That aside though, that scene has me perplexed and looks completely stupid.
Or what about the hundreds of people? Will they all be eaten or will they escape and we'll be left with a few hapless hereoes who missed the boat cliché?
With a lack of dino cgi on display, it's obvious that there is still a lot of work to be done here. The aquatic dinosaur, that eats the great white, while it looks cool, visually it seems just a bit unfinished in my opinion. Then we have Steven Spielberg's name plastered all over it. Without being completely disingenuous to the role of executive producer, he's just lending his name to it, getting a nice few quid for that and combine it with a few token set visits, and he's not doing much else.
Colin Trevorrow is more than a capable director, but this is his first real big movie and I fear he may have been dumped with a dinosaur sized amount of studio notes.
Either way, there is nothing in here that has got me remotely excited as outlined above. Maybe it's me? Don't get me wrong, I love Jurassic Park, and I'll be there next June with bells on, but what I've seen so far makes me think a fourth Jurassic Park movie was best left extinct.
What do you think? Drop us a comment below.