
Why A Female Ghostbusters Can Get Puft

Paul Feig is co writing and directing an all female Ghostbusters. Ernie Hudson (who played Winston in the original movies) says "I hear...

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Paul Feig is co writing and directing an all female Ghostbusters. Ernie Hudson (who played Winston in the original movies) says "I heard it was going to be a total reboot, and that it would have nothing to do with the other two movies, If it has nothing to do with the other two movies, and it's all female, then why are you calling it Ghostbusters?”
He went on to say "I love females. I hope that if they go that way at least they'll be funny, and if they're not funny at least hopefully it'll be sexy. I love the idea of including women, I think that's great. But all-female I think would be a bad idea. I don't think the fans want to see that.”

And I’m in complete agreement with him. Not because I’m some woman hating, sexist man pig who believes my wife should be chained to a sink and only unshackled for breeding, but simply because I’m a Ghostbusters fan. Why would I want to see an all female reboot of a beloved franchise? I hear you ask, why wouldn’t I? Simply because those characters and their personas do not lend themselves to the female perspective. Ultimately, the original was a movie about four guys, four male friends (Winston coming in at the end obviously) who got together and set up a business busting Ghosts. It’s not a lads movie, it’s not a chick flick. It’s a comedy. Part of me wonders is this some feminist, bra burning bullshit sticking it’s nose in where it’s not wanted.
Surely it’s not a big deal to reboot a movie (granted it’s taking forever) with a male cast? Is that so much of a problem? It’s one movie, it doesn’t need to be rebooted with an all female cast. What’s the problem? What’s next? Darth Vader should have been a woman? Was it not good enough that the all powerful Gozar The Gozerian took on the form of a women? Will Gozer now take the form of a man? Will Dana now be a Dan? Gimme a break.

Yes you can have the wise ass one, the chubby one, the nerdy one and the token African American one. Hell, when you think of it Tina Fey, Melissa McCarthy, Cameron Diaz and Queen Latifah would probably make a damn fine casting choice. But not for a Ghostbusters reboot. Ernie Hudson is right. Fans don’t want to see that.

There is little point outlaying the “Women hate other women” argument here, but it’s relevant to the business side of it. Traditionally, women do hate other women and are less likely to talk about something they’ve seen (or heard) with other women in it. Simply because you ladies are competitive folks and can’t stand to see other women do well. And yes, that’s a wide sweeping generalisation, but it’s true for the best part, and that’s coming from someone who has worked in the media for nearly 20 years. As for box office receipts,  Paul Feig has done well, pulling in $288 Million for Bridesmaids off the back of a $30 Million budget. However, looking at the “Action Heroine” on Box Office Mojo highlights the fact that female lead movies rarely get over the $250 Million WORLDWIDE gross mark. That’s great if your budget is $30 Million, but if you’re going down the tentpole / blockbuster route you can kiss your profits goodbye at that rate.

And in conclusion (before I unshackle my wife from the sink, as no doubt some of you think is true) this is one rebot that should just get puft!

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The Movie Bit Testing: Why A Female Ghostbusters Can Get Puft
Why A Female Ghostbusters Can Get Puft
The Movie Bit Testing
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