Fast becoming a Halloween tradition in Cork, Twisted Celluloid is taking over Triskel Christchurch this Halloween to bring us a triple bill ...
Fast becoming a Halloween tradition in Cork, Twisted Celluloid is taking over Triskel Christchurch this Halloween to bring us a triple bill of horror classics that are just begging to be revisited. It all kicks off on Friday 31st October at 7 PM with one of the first "true" slasher movies, 1980's Friday the 13th, the start of a series which, of course, gave rise to one of the most famous horror movie icons, Jason Vorhees. Another horror icon takes centre stage at 9PM, with Freddy Kruger terrorising the dreams of a group of teenagers, including a fresh faced Johnny Depp, in 1984's A Nightmare on Elm Street. Then, finally at 11pm, the triple bill is capped off with much maligned 1988 'video nasty' Child's Play, which sees horror's original creepy doll, Chucky, go on his very first rampage. In all, a fantastic night to be had for all fans of horror movies.
Tickets are €15 for all three movies, regular cinema price for individual screenings, and can be purchased at the Triskel Christchurch website.