It’s been a crazy week in the world of movies with some awesome new trailers arriving as well as plenty of other good nuggets of news. So...
It’s been a crazy week in the world of movies with some awesome new trailers arriving as well as plenty of other good nuggets of news. So you were probably dressed up as Batman saving the neighbourhood and no doubt missed out on some of what went down, well fear not cheap outfitted, cape crusader, we’ve got you covered! Here’s what went down…
- Giving the haters something else to choke on, Kevin Smith announced that Clerks III has got it’s funding
- A sequel to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is kicking film distribution in the balls by premiering on Netflix and IMAX at the same time
- The first trailer for Taken 3 crashed through the door and it’s everything you never wanted
- Speaking of trailers, here’s the new one for Horrible Bosses 2
- While we’re on the topic of videos, how about a half naked Jeff Goldblum selling you lightbulbs?
- Just when you thought Hollywood couldn’t scrape any more crap off the bottom of the barrel , it’s announced that a Tetris movie is coming
- We hung out with the cast of Dracula Untold this week and put Luke Evans on the spot when it comes to James Bond
- Our jaws still haven’t picked themselves up off the floor after watching the final, epic trailer for Interstellar
- Expect awards for The Theory of Everything, if the new trailer is anything to go by
- A new trailer for Exodus: Gods and Kings led us to freedom and showed that Ridley Scott’s new movie is going to be size at least
- Angry Birds announced it’s voice cast and it includes Jason Sudiekis, Josh Gad and Kenny fuckin Powers himself, Danny McBride
- We went behind the scenes on Fury with a new video and this is most definitely one to watch out for in the weeks ahead
- Jude Law is searching for a bunch of Nazi gold in the first trailer for Black Sea
- The first teaser trailer for Pixar’s Inside Out is the worst teaser trailer of the year, showing almost nothing of the brilliant forthcoming movie
- Adam Sandler has signed a four film deal with Netflix exclusively which means he’ll release four bad movies that won’t hit cinemas. Thankfully!
- It’s easily the best trailer of the year. The first trailer for American Sniper will have you chewing off your bottom lip with tension
- Finding it in the same barrel as the Tetris movie, a Baywatch movie is on the horizon and Dwayne Johnson is going to take the lead role
And in case you bat-cowl hurt your eyes, get all this on the podcast (complete with hilarious, snide and bitchy remarks)
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