It’s been another long week. A week where you’ve been leaping over buildings in a single bound, rescuing kittens from giant redwood trees ...
It’s been another long week. A week where you’ve been leaping over buildings in a single bound, rescuing kittens from giant redwood trees and instagramming the hell out of that epic sandwich you had on Wednesday. Whatever the case, you were busy, and you might have missed out on some of the biggest movie stories of the week. So, here’s the roundup of what went down in the last few days.
- The first clip from the Roy Keane biopic Rockmount went online
- Disney announced Moana for 2016. An animated movie following the take of a teenager setting sail for a fabled island in the South Pacific
- Tom Hardy fans will explode all over the place with the latest clip from The Drop
- Sean Bean has signed on for Ridley Scott’s The Martian, where he finds himself stranded on Mars. He’ll probably die in the movie.
- James Wan will direct the Conjuring sequel, aptly called The Conjuring 2.
- Air New Zealand created the greatest safety video ever
- Another week, another Mocking Jay Part One clip arrives
- The first teaser trailer for The Avengers Age Of Ultron blew our jaw clean off and broke all kinds of records in the process
- Some new images from Into The Woods turned up and have probably already won every costume design award next year
- You really can take a punt on Mark Wahlberg’s The Gambler as the first red band trailer hit the web
- The first clip from The Guarantee, a movie about the Irish banking fiasco didn’t show any bankers being burned at the stake, tragically.
- And finally, we took apart the Age Of Ultron trailer with an epic guide, that you really need to read!
And of course we offer this to you in an all singing, all dancing podcast that lasts longer than your better half (just).
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