Only a few hours after announcing Iron Man 4 was happening on Ellen, Robert Downey Jr. turned up on David Letterman and said the exact oppo...
Only a few hours after announcing Iron Man 4 was happening on Ellen, Robert Downey Jr. turned up on David Letterman and said the exact opposite.
"There's no plans for an 'Iron Man 4,'" he said. "There's no script for 'Iron Man 4,' but they do have a plan and I think they're gonna announce it. You know, Marvel's very secretive about it."
Letterman probed some more and Downey Jr. replied saying "just between us, no, but I'm gonna do other stuff with Marvel. I'm still going to be involved with Marvel and there's gonna be plenty of fun stuff to happen."
So a couple of things have probably happened. Either Kevin Feige told him to shut the fuck up or the negotiations fell apart and they worked out some kind of cameo deal, where Iron Man turns up for a few minutes in future Marvel movies. Or maybe he’s still trying to squeeze Marvel for more money and arsing around publically. Worse case scenario, he’s been told he’s done after Avengers 3. Who knows. Either way, some shit has obviously gone down and it’s RDJ who now looks like he’s completely full of bullshit.
It’s quite frustrating for fans to be given some awesome news and then have it retracted hours later. I have huge respect for RDJ and genuinely think he is irreplaceable as Tony Stark, but this bullshit fucking around isn’t helping anybody.