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Love, Rosie Review

Based on Celia Ahern's novel Where Rainbow's End, Love, Rosie inhabits the same sphere of inoffensive romantic comedy as the last ad...

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Based on Celia Ahern's novel Where Rainbow's End, Love, Rosie inhabits the same sphere of inoffensive romantic comedy as the last adaption of her work, P.S., I Love You (what is with them being named after sign-off's in letters?), thankfully free of bad Irish accents, but director Christian Ditter does inject a slightly rougher edge into proceedings, while still ticking off a checklist of romantic cliches.

Lily Collins and Sam Claflin play Rosie and Alex, who we find out from the very first frame have being friends since childhood. Over the course of twelve years, from the ages of 18 to 30, we follow the pair through their will they/won't they romance, one that takes in an unplanned pregnancy, failed relationships and one night stands, and different continents

While the first act makes you believe this is a irreverent take on the usual romantic comedy formula (throwing in some slightly ruder jokes that the genre hasn't seen recently), it soon finds itself in overly familiar territory, not really holding any surprises as the story moves forward. No matter how many obstacles the story throws in front of our leads (the 'one becomes single, just as the other starts a relationship' conceit being used far too often), you never really get the sense that any of it matters, and that the ultimate outcome will be any different than you thought going in. But there is enough charm and humour bubbling under the surface to keep this entertaining. The 102 minute running time flies by, The movie never really outstays its welcome, with the lead pair showing fantastic chemistry. It's shame, then, that the story dictates that they spend a lot of time apart. With Alex relocating to America quite early on, their exchanges are mostly relayed through e-mails and instant messenger. The movie suffers slightly when they are apart, with Claflin not really having anyone to play off, while Collins fares much better with Jamie Winstone as Rosie's best friend Ruby. But when Rosie and Alex do get to share the screen, they just pop, and are utterly convincing as two crazy kids who can't see the writing on the wall.

Collins is fantastic as Rosie, sweet and funny, with a real sense of comedy timing. She keeps many of the jokes ticking over (her dealing with an ill advised experiment involving handcuffs is a stand out), and has the chops to handle the heavy dramatic lifting as well. Claflin has a sweet natured charm as Alex, a million miles away from the last role we saw him in, that of the slimy and conniving Alistair in The Riot Club. The rest of the supporting cast don't make much of an impression, being, with the exception of Winstone, done away with as soon as their roles have been fulfilled.

While nothing new in terms of romantic comedies, there is charm and spark between the leads of Love, Rosie that will keeps fans of rom-coms entertained.


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The Movie Bit Testing: Love, Rosie Review
Love, Rosie Review
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